Drops of Sunshine
Title: Drops of Sunshine
Author: Tricia Copeland
Genre: Juvenile Fiction/paranormal
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. -Buddha
Working as lifeguard at a camp for the blind seems like the perfect escape for Nina. But a few perceptive kids can hear her thoughts. Can embracing her truth help her heal and reveal possibilities she never imagined?
Tricia Copeland grew up in Georgia and now lives in Colorado. Is This Me?and If I Could Fly are her first books. Think You Know Me, the third installment of the series, released May 5. The series finale will release in September 2016! Her first young adult work, Drops of Sunshine, is now available in paperback or free on Kindle Unlimited or in Spellbound, a YA paranormal novella collection.
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